(추천)인기 동영상 : [주태백이TV] 월미도디스코팡팡은 한류~월미랜드의 겨울은 디팡돌아갈까요 #월미도디스코팡팡 #130
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(추천)인기 동영상 : [주태백이TV] 월미도디스코팡팡은 한류~월미랜드의 겨울은 디팡돌아갈까요 #월미도디스코팡팡 #130
재생시간 댓글 : [주태백이TV] 월미도디스코팡팡은 한류~월미랜드의 겨울은 디팡돌아갈까요 #월미도디스코팡팡 #130
HA! at 18:54 the girl in the white finally got hit him back
18:57 HOW. DARE. HE. KICK. THAT. GIRL. it was funny to watch until that old man come in
16:11 WTF WAS THAT? she could’ve hurt herself! and the others did nothing to help her, omg just fire that man already
16:17 I’d never allow that, that was so crazy wow no respect whatsoever there he goes again at 16:45
15:38 se ve como la niña de poleron blanco se pega en en la cabeza con el fierro
Alguien me explica por que el chico de color blanco los empuja y les mete el pie para que se caigan? lo odio lpm xd 16:11
14:47 I think he even told the other group of girls tat he was shoving them over, he showed the action and even laughed about it, you can see them whispering after it.
16:11 wtf hes so mean 18:56 yess girl
18:57 : ESO CHICA ! ENSEÑALE QUIEN MANDA , que onda con ese weon !? Se supone que es ayudante no un maldito pervertido que las empuja ( ustedes entienden ), que bueno que le dio su merecido la chica
18:56 good job girl
인기순 댓글 : [주태백이TV] 월미도디스코팡팡은 한류~월미랜드의 겨울은 디팡돌아갈까요 #월미도디스코팡팡 #130
Блин,такой классный аттракцион. Все видео угаралаа над пацаном с оранж волосами.
18:54 revenge taken white jacket girl
1:42 الولد يلي كان لابس كحلي كان بيطيح بس مسكه الولد يلي جنبه من خصره و جلس بحظنه بالغلط
vei, o cara rindo do povo caindo é o melhor kscisndhdsncdus
Why is no one helping the white coat girl? I mean her friends looked worries. The boys even looked worried too. Are they not allowed to say that that was a bullying? This is a small problem but it's damn serious guys.
뭐야 저 알바 미친건가?왜 일부로 발걸고 밀치고 발로 차려는 시늉하고 그러는거죠? 균형 잃은 사람 앞에 다가가서 밑으로 내리 깔고보면 위협적으로 느껴지는거 알고 일부러 그러시는것 같은데요 행동거지를 고치는게 우선이 아니라, 알바분 자르셔야할 것 같아요. 누가 시비털리고, 맞고 싶어서 저기 디팡을 타겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
16:29 omg what is wrong with that white coat guy is he almost decided to kick her in the face!
No entiendo como tiene 1.8k de likes , como le pueden dar like si esta mas que claro que ese señor es un psicópata empezando que para entrar saltó las rejas y les pega a todos ??? De verdad les gusta ese vídeo las personas que les da like o es que no lo vieron completo , ademas como puede este canal subir un video asi y estar bien con ello
People, I think we just have a case of cultural differences here. Nobody seemed surprised or upset with his actions...some were even laughing so I guess he is a part of the ride.....but seriously, if this was in the US he would have gotten a beat down by a least 5 people!
That crazy man in the white jacket makes me sick. Please do something so that a similar situation does not happen again. It's not fun at all.
17:04 that must’ve hurt
Así me siento yo cuando me subo al camión, todavía no me siento y el chofer arranca como si la policía lo estuviera persiguiendo
그 알바 하는 남자분 하얀패딩 밀치고 발걸고 했던데 그러다 다치면 어쩌실라고 그러시는지 참 나같았으면 ㄹㅇ 그자리에서 분노했을뜻
15:26 GOD DAMN the girl with the white coat she almost LOST herself I don't know if I wanna laugh or be worried
Wtf is wrong with that man?? He's so rude ,and he kicked and pushed them??what the heck
Я хочу на эту фигню, мне надо туда
Me da risa ver como se caen xd
mano, esse cara de casaco branco empurrou e deu uma rasteira na menina de branco igual ele, deu um ponta pé no menino loiro de preto e empurrou o de blusa azul de manga em cima do outro e ainda chutou uma outra no fim do video, wtf , eu ja teria sentado a mão na cara dele, tava só esperando alguem chutar ele pra cair emoji de palhaço
Algo que me gustó es que los chicos estaban a un lado y las chicas al otro y que respetaban sus lugares
18:56 he got what he deserve
Você perde toda sua dignidade nesse brinquedo KKKKKKKKKK